Western Australia

City of Rockingham - W97

Next Meeting

15th July 2024
Rockingham Navy Club. Point Peron


Mr Garrie Fowler

Address PO Box 791, Rockingham WA 6968
Email rockpres@naawa.org.au
Phone 08 9592 7997


Jon Hartnett

Address PO Box 791, Rockingham WA 6968
Email rocksec@naawa.org.au
Phone 08 9592 7997

Sub Section Postal Address c/- Sub Section Secretary



Philip Edwards
Address PO Box 791, Rockingham WA 6968
Email rocktreas@naawa.org.au
Phone 08 9592 7997




RAFFLES THIS FRIDAY Chase the Ace $1750 Members Draw $200 Double Number sheet as $2 at ticket 1st $80 2nd $40 3rd $20 4th $10 Lucky Keys / $1 a Ticket 1/11 chance to win the Jackpot 10th week Bingo every Tuesday doors open at 0900 for "Eyes down" at 1100. Jackpot now $1000 SUNDAY 28 Jul - BUSY BEE CLEANING STATIONS - KITCHEN AND SURROUNDS commencing 0900 - sausage sizzle on completion. Can you let me know if you can assist by Friday the 26th Open for Functions on Request. any queries please send an email to rocksec@naawa.org.au. or ring the club on 9592 7997.