Maroochy Waters - Q62
Next Meeting
Mr Bill Hayward | |
Address | PO Box 61, Cotton Tree QLD 4558 |
bloggshayward@yahoo.com | |
Phone | 07 5479 2482 |
Work | 07 5443 1719 |
Mobile | 0411 024 985 |
Mr Michael Wilson | |
Address | PO Box 615, Cotton Tree QLD 4558 |
michaelwilson@bigpond.com | |
mdadmin@bigpond.com | |
Phone | 0457 852 122 |
Sub Section Postal Address c/- Sub Section Secretary |
Meetings (with a bit of fun thrown in!) are held on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:00 (10 am) at the Maroochydore RSL Sub Branch Building.
Once Navy - Always Navy, is the proud motto that underpins the fellowship spirit embodied in the Australian Naval Association’s principles and in this same spirit, the Maroochy Waters Sub Section, extends its warm invitation to former personnel of the: RAN, RN, RNZN and the MERCHANT NAVY, to join our enthusiastic members for pleasant fellowship.
We are an accredited Not for Profit organisation committed to the support of worthwhile veteran and community welfare programmes.
If you have served in any of the above listed units, you and your family are welcome to join the comradeship of fellow, like-minded people, at our monthly social meetings at the RSL Branch office on Memorial Ave Maroochydore, opposite the RSL Club.
Enjoy, also, the quiet ambience of our museum of naval memorabilia containing a wealth of original artefacts, uniforms and models of naval ships used in conflict, all representing a worthy reminder of the contribution by the men and women in their military role of the Australian and Allied Navies through the years.
For further information on becoming a member of our association, with a proud naval heritage, please contact the Maroochy Waters Sub Section, Naval Association of Australia