Mission Statement: NAAWASC aim is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Veterans, current and former Australian Defense Force members and their families. Our aim is to achieve our Mission by delivering a quality sailing program utilising Corsair 16' sailing dinghies, teaching sailing basic theory followed by on water theory. The aim is to build the participants confidence to a point where they can skipper a dinghy unassisted. The overall result being participants feeling happier and more connected through learning new skills, being part of a team and supporting one other in a relaxed environment.
About Us: Naval Association of Australia Western Australia Sailing Club (NAAWASC) Rockingham and Geraldton Squadron’s We are a not-for-profit Sailing Club that aims to provide opportunities for the Mental Well Being of Veterans and current and former Australian Defense Force members to learn new skills, be part of a team and support each other through a social environment by getting involved with the NAAWASC Corsair Sailing Dinghy Program.
The Rockingham Fleet
Launched: NAAWASC was formed in 2023 to improve the mental health and wellbeing of veterans and serving Australian Defense Force members and families. The suicide rate among current and former defense force members in Australia is much too high. NAAWASC aim is to help provide an alternative to this by providing opportunities to improve health & wellbeing through learning and participation. Our activities are designed around the act, belong, commit approach to learning new skills, being part of a team, training and being an active part of our community. The NAA WA Sailing Club is now established, with the Rockingham Squadron commissioning on the 11th August, under the command of Sailing master Alan (Scotty Hill), Sailing and Masters Mal Dann and Peter Reed.
The Team: L-R Ian Holthouse, Allan Hill (Scotty), Jenny Foulds, Mal Dann
Official opening - Cutting the Ribbon by
Madeleine King MP Federal member for Brand
About Us: Naval Association of Australia Western Australia Sailing Club (NAAWASC) Rockingham and Geraldton Squadron’s We are a not-for-profit Sailing Club that aims to provide opportunities for the Mental Well Being of Veterans and current and former Australian Defense Force members to learn new skills, be part of a team and support each other through a social environment by getting involved with the NAAWASC Corsair Sailing Dinghy Program.
Commissioning Ceremony
Official Guests
Mathew Cooper CMDR Peter Jones Pat McLeod Bevan Suckling Shane Van Styn Ian Holthouse Lara Dalton MP Scott Hill Official Guests listed <left to right>
- Sailing Master, Geraldton, - (Spike)<rear>, - NAA Geraldton, President, - NAA Geraldton, V/President, - RSL Northampton, President, - Mayor, Geraldton, - NAA WA State President, - Member for Geraldton, - NAA WA State V/President, - Sailing Master, Rockingham
* Financial Members can access
previous editions when logged in
National Bosun's Call Click to view the latest edition
A DVA Handy Billy for Veterans
The Queensland Section has produced this Handy Billy for Gold and White Card holders.
The Good Buzz contains a wealth of information outlining the eligability for available service and will assist card holders to maintain and improve their current standard of wellbeing
Defence Veteran Suicide
The interim report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide was provided to the Governor General on 11 August 2022, and has been released publicly.